This is a fusion of traditional and contemporary South American design with heritage and expert craftsmanship.
The high quality, natural materials used to hand-craft this pampeano belt means that it has been made to last. To keep it looking at its best, it is important to keep your pampeano polo belt clean and nourished. Use a leather cream to keep the surface enriched and use a soapy, non-coloured sponge to scrub the threads in the direction of the stitching, before using a damp cloth to rinse and a dry towel to blot the threads to dry.
The high quality, natural materials used to hand-craft this pampeano belt means that it has been made to last. To keep it looking at its best, it is important to keep your pampeano polo belt clean and nourished. Use a leather cream to keep the surface enriched and use a soapy, non-coloured sponge to scrub the threads in the direction of the stitching, before using a damp cloth to rinse and a dry towel to blot the threads to dry.